Thursday, July 22, 2010

Disclaimers and Other Crap

So... I'm back. I realize this blog needs to be updated almost daily in order for me to keep the voices at bay. Sounds like yet another load I'm adding to my days, but this one will most likely be a stress RELIEVER, or at least I like to lie to myself that it will be.

I guess we'll see.

The Disclaimer: This blog is for me to bitch, although I'm sure sometimes it won't be bitching. As you all know, we tend to write more about the bad, not the good, but I have a feeling I'll be adding GOOD to it as well. We'll blame the Libra in me who likes to maintain balance. Having said that, here comes the issue I can already foresee, assuming I accumulate traffic: I'm just bitching. I'm taking it off my brain and flinging it to the cyber world. Of course ass-vice and comments are welcome, even proposed solutions, but in the end, assuming something Huge doesn't happen, this is the course I've plotted out, and I plan to see it through. I know a lot of you, your first, final and always reply will be: Don't Marry Him.

But well, I'm gonna.

Here's the other thing: Everyone's talking about being "honest", but the problem with being honest with those reading it, mostly The Betties who are used to heaps and loads of honesty, is that I have to be honest with myself. I really prefer to lie to myself, a lot. I mean, I used to think I was a writer, and writers don't lie: THEY GIVE SCOPE to the truth. I like my Land of Delusion and in putting it out here, with great and disgusting amounts of honesty, well, I'll have to see things for How They Really Are.

Frightening thought.

Thankfully, only Betties and a couple of others even know about this blog, so I get to be ME. I should warn you, I'm cranky and I cuss boatloads. I don't get to do that on my "real" blog, and in creating censors on that one, I find I have just absolutely nothing to say. That's kind of sad, huh?

I went to get a photo to add to this post out of habit. I almost always put photos with my other blog posts. I googled "hair pulling" and scrolled around, and then these naked people showed up, and this guy had the girl by the hair but I noted he wasn't doing it right -- he was at the ends, not the base, and a good hair pulling is ALWAYS done at the base of the hair, and it made me think of Fokker, who said just today: I'm into bondage because I'm lazy and like to just lay there while he does all the work (paraphrased!) So, Fokker, now you know how you stay with me in thought throughout the day. Kinky girl. No no, I meant YOU, not me.

I'll be back later with a post on Pretend Marriage Counseling to Save a Buck.
Stay tuned.


  1. Love the stormy background and devilish boop pic. We're with you, girl. Bitch away. Cuss all you want. You've met us, right?

    I leave thee with Steinbeck (brilliant, misogynistic bastard that he was):
    "A lie is told for the benefit of the teller, while a story is told for the enjoyment of listener and teller alike. So a writer is a liar, if he be financially fortunate."

  2. Lora: I LOVE that!

    And yes, I've met you all, and I adore you all, and you lot have given me the courage for the honesty, no matter how painful it may be.

  3. Can I just say how much I love that you are critiquing hair pulling techniques? Man, Betties rock. :)

  4. Thank You, Lora! I was beginning to think I was going to have to pursue another line of work.

    RE: Hair pulling. I bet that pic was for men, because if you're going for the visual, the ends are better.

    Shutting up.

  5. Along with Honestly you also have to ask am I happy with this man? and When I am not happy am I able to tell him and talk about.

    Simple-yeah I know. Only you know if this relationship will work day in and day out.

    And curse all you want (as long it isn't at my mis-spellings) :)

    Love the betty boop picture!!!!

  6. There's a difference between Truth and Honesty. Writers may lie, but they use those lies to illuminate Truth. Honesty is much more raw and personal. It's hard enough to expose yourself and be honest with the people you know and love. It's even more dangerous to attempt honesty with near strangers on the internet.

    Don't worry about being honest here. Just tell us the Truth.

  7. I find it's easier to be honest with strangers. Haven't you ever found yourself on a plane, chatting with your seatmate, and the most amazing things come burbling out. We don't know a stranger, they don't know us and, therefore, cannot judge us.

    Being honest with yourself--aHA. That's tough, because you know when you're bullshitting. There's no getting away from it either. But sweetie-darling, you can do it.

    I'm ten years...crap...11 years into learning how to live honestly. Some days it's easy, some days it's like finding out someone's left a knot in a lovely bit of rope. That's one kink that's not good. Some days I despair of ever managing...but those moments and minutes and hours when it's going like gangbusters, it's brilliant.

    Tell your truth. Honesty will happen.

  8. Well I've been saved by the grace of Southern charm
    I got a mouth like a sailor and yours is more like a Hallmark card
    If you wanna pick a fight, Well I'm gonna have to say goodnight
    I don't have to be hateful, I can just say Bless your heart

    So say "Goodnight and bless your fucking heart."

  9. Laughs! Eliana! I'd have never guessed this post is from you!

  10. Well, as Weezer (Shirley McClaine) in Steel Magnolias said...
    I'm not as nice as I used to be.
